Friday, January 9, 2009


I am going to be sending my notes tonight to our JNF Rabbinic Mission to the Negev Website. Thanks to JNF for donating generously to the mission as well as to their staff for working on logistics and PR. They have set up a web site for us at the URL: We can put pictures etc. there. JNF is also sponsoring 100 fleeces to give out and one for each of us, with the mission logo. Fleeces are big in Israel.

Thanks also to Ronen Neuwirth and Frumie and the whole staff of Rabbanei Tzohar who are working hard in Israel to organize things.

As of now we have 18 rabbis and 2 lay leaders with tickets, but I have gotten tons of emails and phone calls by rabbis all over the country. We may pick up several. Meeting us in Israel will be 10-15 chaveirim, but maybe many more. Yair Silverman is coordinating that so we should have a better sense by… Sunday! We already have ordered the biggest bus they have, but we may need more.

We need to plan the drop offs on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. So please tell me when your flight is so that we can coordinate this and give them names.

Any questions of bringing items or $$ for items, please speak to Barry at

We are working with groups for Chayalim, Ethiopians, injured, students – and this all coming together.

My cell phone in Israel is: 0508.721.765. One of our chaveirim is working on a list serve for those on the trip – at least those coming from the States and then we can update it with the Israel contingent.

We still have openings for rabbis, cantors and lay leaders. We just ask lay leaders who want to come to pay $500 towards the land cost of this trip.

My wife needs me home so I am signing off. Barry and I will stay in touch through Sunday night with e-mails so please stay tuned for any changes. But the times are now solid, iy”H. I am attaching the itinerary with some small additions.

Shabbat shalom,


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